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MinuteMan Plus Multi-Purpose Electrical System Tester
Item Number: OTC3131AGM
Test discharged batteries down to as low as 2 volts, and it won't drain a charged battery you are testing. You won't waste time charging bad batteries.
- Special AGM test options for accurately diagnosing AGM and spiral (six-pack style) batteries.
- Test starter in seconds with no need to disable ignition.
- All 12 volt automotive-type batteries with cold cranking amp ratings of 100 - 1500. Tester operates from either 100 volts AC or its own internal rechargeable 6 volt battery.
- Self-calibration, an internal battery check and an automatic shutdown to reduce power consumption.
- On certain competitive carbon pile load battery testers, the technician must interpret the readings, then make the electrical system diagnosis. With MinuteMan Plus, all you have to do is read simple test results on the LCD display.
- Displays cranking volts and amps, and indicates either "Good Starter" or "Bad Starter".
- Checks the charging system at high r.p.m.s and at idle and stores the data. Results show regulator volts, peak amps and diode condition. Utilizes wave form analysis when testing alternator diodes, which provides more accuracy than the commonly used "ripple voltage" tests.
- Unique, patented direct-from-battery technology gives you tachometer readings without having to make complicated connections to ignition systems (on most applications). Provides battery-sensing measurements to 4,000 r.p.m., with 1 r.p.m. resolution.
- Can switch between English and Spanish languages with a menu-based selection.
Three years on computer processing unit. One year on balance of parts, excluding test leads, displays, external battery charger, gel cell battery and cables, which carry a 30 day warranty.
Product Specifications
- Ammeter: Reads ± 0-1,000 amps, 0.1 amp resolution
- Amp and Search Volt Leads: 9' long
- Load Unit: Computer controlled, electrically resistive ribbon
- Tachometer: Battery-sensing measurements to 4,000 r.p.m., 1 r.p.m. resolution.
- Voltmeter: Reads ± 0-40 volts DC, .01 resolution
- Weight: 53 lbs.